10,000 Frames Archive Files #2

The Very First Rolls

Sept 2021 Careyes, Mexico (T-Max 100) & Miami / West Palm Oct 2021 (Kodak Gold 200)

This month we go back to the first 2 rolls of film I ever shot. September and October of 2021.

Well, actually that is a lie. The “first roll of film” I ever shot was no film at all. When my ebay camera showed up on my door step, there was a Portra 400 film flap in the memo holder slot and I naïvely thought my camera came with a gift inside and I was smart enough to know I couldnt open the film door if there was film in there. Surprise, 1 photoshoot later I discovered the empty camera. After that, the next roll of actual film I shot was blank. I loaded the film incorrectly, and the film never caught on the spool’s little teeth. So essentially, I shot 36 images on one section of the roll and then quickly (too quickly) wound my short film back into the cartridge.

So, Actually, today we enjoy my 3rd and 4th rolls I’ve ever shot…

As I see these photos today, almost two years later, I know they’re not great, but I was proud. And, god damn it, seeing them now makes me fall in love with analog and my love for photography all over again. I have to show you where I started to really illustrate this exercise of mastering a craft. Of course, I didn’t know it, but my Canon AE 1 was riddled with light leaks and I had no clue how to read my light meter, and I hadn’t mastered manual focus very well. Getting these rolls back was the most exciting and humbling experience. One part of me was so excited that the roll wasn’t blank and kinda impressed with my shots, but the perfectionist part of me wished I had written down my settings so I knew where I went wrong. (Next episode… nerdy pocket notebook phase)

Oh and let’s not forget my extensive research on light leaks. If you’re curious, you can see actually determine which part of your camera is failing simply by the location of the light leak on your developed photo. The leak marks on the film will be in the exact location of the leaks in the camera. Leaks that extend beyond the negative frame into the margins are coming from the rear and leaks that stop at the edge of the frame are coming through/around the curtains.

I ended up thinking the light leaks were cool, so I shot about two more rolls with the camera in this state (coming soon 😎) but after, I had to get a full body repair.

Let this be a reminder, that we all have to start somewhere…

If you find yourself in these photos, please enjoy them, share them, and if you'd be so kind, tag me (@brookedavanzo.jpg). Select Prints are available on my website. But like, the better ones…

From me to you. 

Brooke from Contigo


10,000 Frames: Archive Files #3


10,000 Frames: Archive Files #1